Issue 8 Cover image

Issue 8 - Design an add-on

August 2020

Design an add-on

This issue’s cover feature is “Design an add-on”.One of the awesome features we outlined about the micro:bit in our last issue was the edge connector at the bottom. This is great for providing expandability to your micro:bit and increasing the number of things you can do with it. The market is full of interesting add-on boards you can connect to your micro:bit to enable it to do a whole host of different things, but sometimes, there isn’t an add-on board for everything. So why not make your own? In this issue, we’ll be taking a look at how we can make our very own micro:bit add-on board using a free piece of software called Fritzing and how to take it to the manufacturing stage in a few simple and easy to follow steps.


  • No-Touch Handwash Timer
  • Making of a micro:bit product
  • Coding with 5th Graders
  • Huskylens - Reviewed
  • And more!